our roots

In 2012, Praxis Academic founder Amreen began developing her own style of MCAT prep strategy based on the repetitive needs of students. The goal was to create a pliable strategy that not only worked for all students but also yielded repeatable results across different sections of standardized tests as well as different tests. The result was the creation of her “Don’t Think Too Much” approach and strategy: a fluid, adaptable, and simple approach to standardized tests. Her novel approach produced promising results from her very first student and has effortlessly yielded higher scores for all kinds of students. After ten years of research, countless experiments and clinicals, and untold revisions, Praxis Strategy continues to evolve, however, is ready to facilitate a greater mass of students into success on standardized tests. To date, we have successfully adapted Praxis Strategy to suit the PSAT, SAT, ACT GRE, DAT, as well as school tests—all with the same level of success.


Our Evolution

Praxis Academic Development was built on the premise that anything of value must always be improving. We hold that true for our students, lessons, Praxis Strategy, company processes, and ourselves. Everything we do today must evolve if we want to improve tomorrow.


Our Excellence

For all of us at Praxis Academic, excellence is achieved when our tutoring/training approach, strategy, publishings, and processes have been tried and retried for quite some time and revised all along the way until learning and success is optimized for all students on all tests and in all subjects. This is not to say that there will ever be a time when complete excellence is achieved, for we continuously work to improve and evolve in academics and on standardized tests.


Our Services

Whether you’re considering your post high school options or gearing up to crush the MCAT, our team is here to help provide you with all the tools you’ll require for success. Follow the links to learn more about the services we provide.

Hear More From The Director About What Makes Us Different, Our Test Approach, and Our Proprietary Strategy

We may not be the biggest, but we’re certain we are the best!